Jawaharlal Nehru College
Governance Leadership & Management
The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient
Policy documents on student aid
Policy documents on Green campus initiatives
E governance policy documents
Decentralization and participative management.
Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure 2022-23
Follow-up Action of Academic & Administrative Audit 2022-23
Institutional Organogram 1
Implementation of e-Governance in different areas
Faculty Development Programme attended by Teaching & Non Teaching Staff
Institutional plan of action _ 2021-22
Different Committees & Respective Members
College Annual Budget for the session 2021-22
College Annual Budget for the session 2020-21
College Annual Budget for the session 2019-20
College Annual Budget for the session 2018-19
College Annual Budget for the session 2017-18
Certificate of accreditation Recognised by NAAC & ISO
Assam College Employee Provincialization Rule 2010
Assam College Employees Provincialization Act 2005
Assam Provincialized Colleges and Non-Govt Colleges Management Rules 2001
The effective leadership in various institutional practices such as
decentralization and participative management : Session 2020-21
The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan: 2020-21
IQAC contribution for
institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes: 2020-21
A Digital Interface page of class attendance and leave applications by teachers and employees
A Digital Interface of Students attendance system in classes
Institutional Strategic /Perspective plan : Session 2020-21
Organogram of the college